In English

This is “Это” (ˈɛtə) a phenomenon in animation for professionals and amateurs

August, 27 — September, 24 in Saint-Petersburg there will be a festival “All around” a mix of auteur shortie animation, educational programmes, concerts, exhibitions, and performances.

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Workshop with Anatoly Prokhorov “Life as a profession” August, 28



Assembly Hall of the Botanical Garden. St.Petersburg, Prof. Popov street 2. Metro Petrogradskaya; ссылка на карту

Registration (free of charge)

On the meeting there will be covered such puzzling, but relevant question of “Life professionalism”.

• What is a “professional” feeling of life?

• How to find Work & Life balance?

• Do we need to work on emotional development in the same way as we work on professional one?

• How to learn life professionalism: ways and methods.

Anatoly Prokhorov — cand. sc., media critic, film and tv producer, culturologist, psychology practitioner, founder of animation studio “Pilot” (1988), founder of internal work laboratory (1994), Smeshariki studio art director (2003), Lead expert of National Research University - Higher School of Economics (2013)

Targeted audience — people of 27+ years, who are already reflecting on their lives.