In English

This is “Это” (ˈɛtə) a phenomenon in animation for professionals and amateurs

August, 27 — September, 24 in Saint-Petersburg there will be a festival “All around” a mix of auteur shortie animation, educational programmes, concerts, exhibitions, and performances.

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At 23:00 in Ziferburg there will be “Ɛtə” festival closure ceremony. 24 september



Цифербург. Санкт-Петербург, наб. реки Фонтанки, 20; map

On September 24th night at 23:00 in Ziferburg there will be “Ɛtə” festival closure ceremony.
Festival organizers will resume the insights on announced research on synthesis of animation and other professions – how constructive and comprehensive the “dialog” was and what are the prospects of “ɛtə” festival.

If You missed previous events – don’t miss your chance – the whole night of carefully selected animation, author’s notes, discussions.

Entrance is admission free!

Programme (18+)

23:00 – Gathering and welcome speach
23:30 - “ɛtə” festival wrap-up
01:10 – Animation programme “Animazione” (intalian films)
02:40 – Special programme from Veniamin Pyatnitse “Ɛtə languor
04:40 “Ɛtə” festival closur