In English

This is “Это” (ˈɛtə) a phenomenon in animation for professionals and amateurs

August, 27 — September, 24 in Saint-Petersburg there will be a festival “All around” a mix of auteur shortie animation, educational programmes, concerts, exhibitions, and performances.

Фестиваль-лаборатория Этого представит современную финскую анимационную программу завтра, в 21:00, на открытии уникального культурного центра «Кулуары: Реставрация нравов» (заведение "Act Lab Pro", АКТивная ЛАБоратория ПРОфессионалов).

Программа мероприятия

The 28th of October, on the International Animation Day, we organise a feast showing.


“Это” areas

Peter and Paul Fortress August 14

On August 13th and 14th (Weekend), since 10.00 to 21.30 on the territory of Peter and Paul Fortress, will be held main Marine feast of the year – III Saint-Petersburg international Marine feast, that will become highlight of Big Saint Petersburg Sail week.

On Ocean TV cinema’s main screen feast’s guests could watch cinefilms about twisted marine adventures, overseas expeditions, world known sea regattas as well as shortie animation works, devoted to the waves.

Eto-fest on behalf of animators will be happy to salute sea lovers at 12:00 on August, 14th with the programme “The very Sea waves”.


Botanical garden August, 27 — September, 3

Opening. Botanical Garden


Registration (free of charge)

Workshop with A.V. Prohorov "Life as a profession"


Registration (free of charge)

Беседа Алексея Савинского “Где Это взять, и что с Этим делать?”


Registration (free of charge)

A. Sekatsky “Metaphysics & Animation”


Registration (free of charge)

«Северные Пегасы» и «Финская Свежатина» в Ботаническом Саду


Registration (free of charge)

Borey art gallery September, 10

At Lumière cinematheque (Borey art gallery)
Discourse of Ovsey Vsv (Tearjitter)
Pine forest pinch and pitfall


Ziferburg September 24, Saturday

On September 24th night at 23:00 in Ziferburg there will be “Ɛtə” festival closure ceremony.
